Article By: Maj. Dr Carl Nutsugah
Mental health in Ghana
Ghana is a country of over 25 million people, with a population that is about 60% rural and 40% urban. Mental health in Ghana is affected by many factors including socioeconomic status, gender, culture, and religion.
Mental health in Ghana has been neglected for a long time. There are only a handful of mental health facilities in the country and they are often overcrowded. People with mental health issues often have to hide their illness from their families or communities out of fear of discrimination or even violence.
There has been some progress made in recent years to improve mental health care in Ghana. In 2017, the government announced plans to build 50 new psychiatric hospitals across the country. Additionally, there have been efforts made to increase awareness of mental health issues among both the general public and medical professionals. However, much more needs to be done in order to ensure that everyone who needs help has access to it.”
What is self compassion
Self-compassion is an essential skill for a successful life. It enables us to be kind to ourselves, no matter what. It can help us feel happier, more peaceful and connected to our feelings. Self-compassion can be practice at any time, in any situation. Here are four tips for practicing self-compassion that strengthen your mental health.
1. Remember Your Strengths
Start by identifying your strengths. What qualities do you have that make you successful? Notice how your strengths support your goals and help you get through difficult times.
2. Make A Connection
When you feel overwhelmed, take a moment to connect with your strengths. Recall what you have done well in the past. What have you been able to achieve despite difficult circumstances?
3. Give Yourself a Break
Sometimes it’s hard to be kind to ourselves. It can be challenging to accept our own weaknesses and strengths. Don’t beat yourself up when you make mistakes. Give yourself a break.
4. Cultivate a Mindfulness Practice
Mindfulness is a powerful tool for self-compassion. It helps us focus on our present moment, and it can help us connect with our feelings. Try practicing mindfulness for 10 minutes each day.
Practice self-compassion, and you will be on your way to a successful life. Thanks for reading!