Protein is an essential macronutrient that is important for many functions in the body. It is made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of many tissues, including muscle, skin, and hair. Protein is important for maintaining a healthy body weight, building and repairing tissues, and producing hormones and enzymes. It is also essential for a healthy immune system and can help regulate various bodily processes, such as metabolism and digestion. Eating a diet rich in protein can help ensure that your body has the necessary amino acids to support these functions.
Sources of protein for your body
Protein is found in a wide variety of foods, including meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Animal-based foods such as meat, poultry, and fish are considered “complete” protein sources, as they contain all of the essential amino acids your body needs. Plant-based sources of protein, such as beans, legumes, and nuts, are typically considered “incomplete” protein sources because they may not contain all of the essential amino acids your body needs. However, it is possible to combine different plant-based protein sources to create a “complete” protein. For example, rice and beans, or hummus and pita bread, are both combinations of plant-based protein sources that provide all of the essential amino acids your body needs.
10 Benefits of protein to the body
- Protein helps build and repair tissues, including muscles, skin, and hair.
- Protein is essential for maintaining a healthy body weight.
- Protein helps regulate various bodily processes, such as metabolism and digestion.
- Protein is important for a healthy immune system.
- Protein can help improve satiety and regulate appetite.
- Protein can help improve muscle mass and strength, especially in combination with regular exercise.
- Protein can help reduce the loss of muscle mass and strength that can occur with aging.
- Protein can help maintain healthy bones.
- Protein can help improve cardiovascular health.
- Protein can help improve cognitive function and mental clarity.